Monday, January 28, 2019

Journal of Neurology & Neurosurgery- Lupine Publishers

As a result of working extensively with dozens of patients who had repeated exposure to toxins and solvents throughout their lifetimes, I wrote the article “Acquired Cumulative Neurotoxic Encephalopathy: Look toward the Future” which was published in the Academy of Medical Psychology Newsletter in March of 2015. Since then, I have reviewed hundreds of studies, and worked with additional patients, who have the onset of systemic disorders such as autoimmune disorders, multiple chemical sensitivity, allergic reactions, histamine intolerance, leaky gut, metabolic syndrome, and various myalgia conditions. Many of them can trace the onset of symptoms back to one point where they had, after repeated exposure to solvents or toxins, gone from relatively normal function to significant dysfunction.

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Open Access Journal of Neurology- Lupine Publishers

Sleep is essential for basic survival as well as for optimal physical and cognitive performance in both human beings and animals. Sleep is a normal human function that is detrimental to sustaining life yet; individuals are affected differently by their sleep schedule. However, the community at large often underestimates sleep and its importance, therefore leading people to not be as concerned with a proper night’s sleep, thereby preventing them from performing at peak efficiency. Sleep plays a vital role in learning and when a person fails to obtain enough sleep the night prior, neurons in the brain might not fire properly, the body becomes out of synch, and it can even lead to accidental physical injuries. As many studies have been conducted, the majority have seemed to come to similar conclusions: a lack of sleep can have detrimental side effects on the human mind and body and by regularly obtaining enough sleep each night; a person can function more efficiently.

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Confrontation Naming Errors of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: (OJNBD)- Lupine Publishers

This study investigated confrontation naming errors of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Clinicians lack a validated test battery for differentiating the communication disorders of patients with AD from either normal elderly or patients with aphasia [1,3]. The communication of AD patients is often assessed with one of the standardized test batteries for aphasia. This was done because of the marked discrepancy between language and other cognitive functions. A linguistic measure involving errors in confrontation naming was used to establish the extent of linguistic impairment of AD patients. A total of ten photographs were shown to twenty AD patients, (ten mild and ten moderate) and ten normal elderly. The results showed that naming errors increased as the disease progressed. The study concluded that the number of naming errors of AD patients increased as the severity of the disease progressed.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rett Syndrome: (OJNBD)- Lupine Publishers

Rett sindrome is a severe neuro developmental disorder that is a leading cause of mental retardation in females, characterized by an apparently normal psycho motor development through the first 6 months of life, followed by stagnation and growth regression in different are as like motor, language and social skills; patients often exhibitautistic behaviors in the early stages. Other symptoms include seizures, breathing problems when awake such as hyper ventilation, apnea, and swallowing air; ataxia and stereotypich and movements. It is caused by mutations in the X-linked gene encodingmethyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) [1,2]. One case is presented with positive molecular study
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Lupine Publishers| Depression and Anxiety Frequency in Patients Hospitalized on the Guadalajara Regional Military Hospital in the Month of April 2019

  Lupine Publishers| Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders   Abstract Observe and Identify patients that presented depression ...