Monday, February 25, 2019

Neurology Scholarly Journals- Lupine Publishers

Unlike brain herniation caused by mass effect due to trauma,tumor, infectious or inflammatory conditions, idiopathic brain herniation are extremely rare, with prevalence of 0,073% [1]. An 8 years-old girl who suffered a mild traumatic brain injury and CT and MRI showed precuneal gyrus herniation to quadrigeminal cistern. She was completely asymptomatic, without any finding of high intracranial pressure (Figuire 1-2). Although it is a very rare condition, is extremely important to recognize and differentiate idiopathic brain herniations from other intracranial diseases such as mass lesion, encephalocele or dural venous 'sinus thrombosis to avoid excessive surgical and medical treatments [1-5].

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Journal of Neurology- Lupine Publishers

The PEN-3 Model Cultural Framework can be used to design culturally specific, locally relevant health intervention and prevention programs to educate communities. This health intervention and prevention involves educating Hispanic females and males between the ages of 15 to 32. The health and wellness program design involve educating this group about the use of marijuana and its damaging effects on the body leading to mental illness, Diabetes, Cancer, lung and other organ damage, obesity, cognitive disorders, lowered IQ and EQ (emotional quotient), and various other damaging effects. Finally, a summary of the PEN-3 Model Cultural findings are discussed and analyzed to help health educators, practitioners, and advocates serve and address the needs of the target population.

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Monday, February 4, 2019

Journal of Neurology- Lupine Publishers

Is currently used as a comprehensive definition covering “brain disorders”, neurological diseases and mental disorders. While schizophrenia, depression, panic disorder, drug addiction and insomnia are referred to as “mental disorders”, Epilepsy, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington’s disease (HD) and multiple sclerosis are considered as “neurological disorders”. Current therapies of these very common diseases require continuous drug use and at the same time cause many different side effects. Therefore preclinical and clinical investigations for new treatment approaches are on the rise. Especially the identification of the molecular basis of these diseases is the focus of researches.

Examination of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels is at an early stage in the investigation of the molecular principle of these diseases, but clear results regarding the efficacy of substances activating or inhibiting these channels have not been obtained. Some diseases have been based on mutations of TRP channels. However, only a few TRP channelopathies, have been conclusively identified so far [1]. Investigation of TRP channels in psychiatric disorders will contribute to a better understanding of the etiology of psychiatric disorders and the development of new pharmacological treatments.

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Lupine Publishers| Depression and Anxiety Frequency in Patients Hospitalized on the Guadalajara Regional Military Hospital in the Month of April 2019

  Lupine Publishers| Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders   Abstract Observe and Identify patients that presented depression ...